Wednesday, April 1, 2009

by the way.. beginning of artist statement.... feedback?

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.”

 Edgar Allan Poe quotes

( i like this quote... im not sure how to use it yet, but its sort of inspirational to the artist mind..)


Time possesses everybody’s influence on his or her own theatrical life. Art allows time to pause, to emphasize on a moment which otherwise would be lost. I find people are very involved in their own beginnings, middles, and ends… in a selfish world of their own experiences. They tell their stories in hopes for a reaction to verify their feelings. My work however, is not narrative to me. I have few self-portraits, few autobiography works, and even fewer images of my life. I am nothing without the moldings, which have set themselves to create my life. I choose instead to tell stories about other people, other creations in this world, which perhaps doesn’t have the ability to tell their story. I fear most for the generations after me. Humanity has managed to single handedly destroy and entire planet. The beauty of creativity is to appreciate it, not destroy it, to show people, rather than convince them. My artwork is a strong reflection of my efforts to open eyes to the people whom have shut them. 


  1. sounds like youre on a quest, cool....i want to do the same thing only in different way

  2. please post that bison-buffalo whatever u want to call it up on your blog...i have only seen one in real life ,20 years ago,and it was very sad, at least to a little kid...good job today
